

Happy Summer!

Boy, have we got some big news.  We’ve moved to Sand Springs, Oklahoma!!  Surprise!!  FYI, it’s so hot and humid here that our glasses fog up when we walk outside.  There are so many bugs I didn’t go outside for a couple weeks.  The first night here, Mollie found a Lone Star tick and a brown recluse in her room.  Another recluse the next night, too.  Awesome!!

We found a small property outside Sand Springs (closer to Mannford).  A little blue house with a barn on about 11.5 acres.  Most of the property has trees, mostly oaks.  We have so many birds – chickadees, nuthatches, cardinals, blue jays, Indigo and Painted buntings, four different types of woodpeckers.  Everyday we get a chorus of birdsong!  It’s beautiful.  Brian and I sit on the porch with our binoculars and watch as they flit from feeder to feeder.  We also have a couple deer who visit us every day, though they are shy and sneak about.  Mollie is the queen of spotting them in the trees!

Next year we plan to get chickens, goats and maybe a piggy.  The barn has three stalls and an office.  It’s difficult to drag Brian out of there.  Lots of projects going on.  We also plan to put in raised garden beds in the spring. 

We are down a winding country road and most of our neighbors have goats or pigs or cows or chickens.  We’re surrounded by a tangle of winding roads and rolling hills.  I’ve gotten lost repeatedly, but gotten pretty good and finding my way around.  Tulsa highways are a horrifying mess.  You know what it’s like when a bunch of necklaces get knotted.  It’s like that!  And, of course, the requisite road work.  So much road work.   That said, we’re in “Green Country,” the northwestern corner of Oklahoma.  It is lush and green with lots of deciduous forests.  It’s so beautiful.  The only issue is that everything is 30 minutes away at a minimum.

Everything, that is, but my job.  I got a job at Mannford Upper Elementary School helping 4th and 5th graders improve their math and reading skills.  It’s 10 minutes away!  Brian got a job in Tulsa with the National Center for Wellness and Recovery (associated with Oklahoma State University).  It is, however, about a 30-minute drive.  Though no real traffic until the last 10 minutes.  No traffic here.  It’s awesome!

Brian’s family are close by, Tulsa and Oklahoma City.  His mom is in Perry, which is about 45-50 minutes away.  And, of course, a beautiful drive.

Maddie will do her senior year here at Charles Page High School, which boasts an award-winning theatre program.  Maddie is excited to join the program.  Mollie is mulling over her options, school or work.  She loves working, but may decide to go to school.  Time will tell.  Both girls love the farm and go out looking for critters, like turtles, tarantulas, scorpions, and then our deer, squirrels, bunnies, birds.  It’s a wonderland!

You may have heard Oklahoma has severe weather.  Well, it really does.  The week before we arrived a huge storm hit and brought down a lot of tree limbs.  Brian is still working on the clean-up.  We get a lot of thunder and lightning storms.  A lot!  Lots of rain here, too.  Keeps it green (and humid).

This is a huge change from southern California and we will certainly miss our friends and our ocean.  The culture here is entirely different, (I’ve never seen so many Walmart’s and BBQ joints) but we are excited to lay down roots!  Life is an adventure!


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