Turtles, Tarantulas and Armadillos, Oh My!

 Long days and warmer weather have woken up many critters.  And, they’re hitting the roadways.  Oh my!  Turtles and tarantulas are on the move and can be seen crossing many a country road. 

Our little homestead is tucked a bit back in the hills.  Critters on the road is a daily occurrence.  We stop and go, stop and go, as one of the girls will hop out the car to move a turtle or encourage along a, frequently crabby, tarantula.  Summer is so their season.

One day we were surprised to find a snapping turtle trying to cross the road just down the hill from us.  I grabbed him toward the back of his shell, but they’re soooo snappy!  Though I avoided being bit, I was certainly scared.

I tried to pick him up several times, but he just kept snapping at me.  A neighbor, Jimmy, rolled out on his riding mower to check out the commotion.  He had the good sense to suggest I use a shovel.  Short a shovel, I did have a bucket in my trunk.  Fortunately, I was able to scoop him up and move him across the road post haste.  I tried to gently place him down, but he, unfortunately, rolled down the hill.  At least he was closer to the creek.

A week or so later the gals and I were enjoying a ride in the country.  Beautiful, sunny late afternoon.  Cows grazed in the fields, crows and hawks perched on power lines.  We rumbled along an old dirt road when we spied something tiny, but familiar in the road.  Skidding to a halt and one of the gals ran back and grabbed a tiny baby turtle crossing to the pond on the other side of the road.  Upon closer observation the girls realized it was a bitty baby alligator snapping turtle.  And he was ferocious!


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