The First Six Months


Here we are with our small wooded property with a little blue house and a barn with a little pasture.  It’s so lovely!  We’re getting chickens in the spring, as well as a vegetable garden.  Hubs is going to make a chicken  coop this winter.  He also planted a fall/winter garden. Beets, onions, romaine, broccoli and butternut squash.  A hard frost killed the squash, but everything else is going strong.  We’ve been eating fresh romaine the past few weeks.  Delish!

You may have heard Oklahoma it hot, but hot doesn’t do the heat justice.  Sweltering, fiery, blistering.  Did I mention the humidity?  Muggy, dank, oppressive, stifling.  And the bugs, oh my gosh, the bugs.  Maddie’s legs looked like she had chicken pox after a day outside.  Most recently, Mollie was stung by a scorpion.  Bad pain for about eight hours.  Delightful.  I have never been so excited for a hard freeze in my life.  On the other hand, we have so many oaks, lush and green.  Summer, while it cooks us, is beautiful.  Trees, wild flowers, hundreds of butterflies.  We even have a big (wild) tomatillo plant and a whole lot of wild onions. 

I work at the Mannford Upper Elementary, helping kids who struggle with reading and math.  I’m also the playground aid (which really stinks when it’s 110).  I work with some really lovely ladies and one good guy (the principal).  Hubs found a job with the National Center for Recovery and Wellness/Oklahoma State University.  Currently, his position is remote and he will be in the lab in the spring.

We enticed our girls to move with a promise of kittens.  They each got a kitten, a little gray tabby mix a little black fella.  In addition to our two older fellas.  Four cats.  Four!!


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