Fire Season

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News

We’re on fire!  I live in Ventura County California.  Ventura, Santa Paula and Ojai are burning.  It’s Santa Ana season.  Santa Ana winds create havoc in southern California during the autumn months.    The Santa Ana winds originate in the Great Basin (mostly Utah and Nevada) from cool, dry high-pressure air masses.  They become strong, dry winds that like to push wildfires.  If we’re lucky we get a bit of rain in September and October, but this year we got a heat wave instead.  High temperature ranged from 105-112 and scorched the landscape.

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News
 Now, the hills are tinder.  Whereas the hills are covered in plants accustomed to fire season, able rebound quickly and easily, the homes doting the hills don’t recover so easily.  Hundreds of families have been displaced, many of those will have no homes to return to.  Mass evacuations are in affect and not just in Ventura. Three other fires rage in SoCal, Sylmar, Santa Clarita and Bel-Air are ablaze.  Blue skies have been replaced my thick smoke ash.

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News
The winds, gusting at times to 80 mph, are so severe helicopters and planes are unable to fly over water drops.  We are fighting boots on the ground.  Firefighters emerge from the fray, smoke pouring off their bodies.  Terrifying!  We live and die by the great efforts of these brave men and women.

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News
My heart is breaking for the hundreds of misplaced and frightened families, for those who will find themselves homeless on Christmas, and for all the families of firefighters, putting their lives on the line to protect us from the flames.  And my heart is breaking for this land that I have come love over the past twelve years.  Our once picturesque landscapes reduced to ash.  Skeleton trees cast eerie shadows that reach down hills and gullies. A steaming wasteland.

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News
Last night my friend texted me a picture taken from her upstairs window of the glowing orange horizon just beyond the grade.  My girls immediately packed “go bags,” (bags with necessities in case we are evacuated).  We are not in imminent danger, but that picture made things real.  We had been breathing smoke all day, watching clouds of smoke move across the sky, but seeing the fire from our window – that’s frightening. 

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News
 The Santa Anas are due to blow throughout the week.  Fires will continue to rage, fueled by hot dry winds.  Firefighters will continue to fight.  The fire is at minimal containment.  It will stay that way until the winds tire.  This is fire season.    

photo by Gene Blevins for the Los Angeles Daily News


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