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Have you see the Memes??

Have you seen the memes about Oklahoma and Dollar General?  The rumors are true.  Dollar General is synonymous with small town living.  Indeed, as we drive from town to town exploring Oklahoma one thing rings true.  Dollar General is rampant in Oklahoma.  Every small town, no matter how scarcely populated, has a Dollar General.  We've driven through crumbling, boarded up towns, small older villages, quaint tourist towns.  They all boast a Dollar General. Now Oklahoma is a relatively poor state with its fair share of poverty.  That, indeed, makes Dollar General a perfect fit.  I understand the need, but why so many? I have been in many different Dollar Generals, more than I care to admit.  I have never been in one that doesn't smell like sewage and harmful chemicals.  It's alarming.  The staff seems to be fueled by fatigue and indifference. Yet, every road you go down, every town you stumble into -- there it is.  Beckoning you in. The girls joke that the requirement

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