First Spring, False Spring

The storms have passed and we are reveling in warmer days.  Mornings have gone from subzeros to 40 or 50.  No more ice on the car windows, no more icy roads.  

Our trees have been full of dozens of robins chirping and hopping from branch to branch trying to remain out of sight.  From time to time I take apples out for the critters.  We keep our feeders full for the migrating birds, like sparrows, waxwings and so many juncos.  The tiny grey juncos are prolific ground feeders, but startle easily in an explosion of white underwing feathers. So lovely.  Out and about, numerous male cardinals flit from treetop to treetop, a beacon against our dull, leafless trees.  The dusky females are far more difficult to spot.  From time to time our red-headed pileated woodpeckers swiftly weave between the oaks.

My potted chrysanthemums are even starting to grow from the base of last year's dry stalks.  I've discovered a group of stray bulbs coming up in a quiet corner.  Can't tell what they are, but am so curious.  Daffodils greet us at the barn gate, promising warmer days.  

We spent several days in the low 80s, which was, of course, too soon.  But wait, is that a storm blowing up outside my window.  The gusts rattle the house and jangle the wind chimes.  The house is suddenly cold.  

It's still winter.


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