Deep Freeze

With our first snowstorms a not so distant memory, we were hit with our first ice storm.  Fortune was on our side, all our previous repairs stuck!  We had working water and septic.  Blessings abound!

We were lucky, the ice storm wasn't severe.  That said, we didn't leave the house for three days and then only if absolutely necessary.  Our cars were covered in 1/2"-3/4" of ice.  I took a good long time to scrape, pry and break it all away.  Our circle drive, which is gravel, became a skating rink!  Treacherous to the untrained.  Namely, both girls, who took a few tumbles.

On our highways and country lanes numerous cars slid off the road.  Many cars were abandoned entirely until the ice subsided.  Of course, only highways and main city streets were salted.  Smaller road saw loads of gravel.

All in all, it wasn't too bad.  We were safe and warm and fed.  And had toilets!

The best part of this was seeing our woods coated in ice.  Each blade of grass wore and ice suit, leaves and acorns were frozen in time.  I walked the deer loop and dropped some apples for the cold critters.  Dozens of tracks ran across the ice and mud.  Everyone is hungry.  The trees were dark and gloomy. Glistening, a peaceful ice palace.  


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