My New Instant Pot

Ok, so I bought one of those Instant Pots I keep seeing on all the Mom blogs and all over Pinterest.  All these Moms keep going on about how convenient and time-saving and super-amazing these pots are.  Pinterest lists lots of healthful recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then one of my favorite blogs, The Humbled Homemaker by Erin Odom, had a deal with Amazon $69.99 (always .99) so I took the plunge.  In two days this cooker was on my doorstep in a smiling Amazon box.
The box sat just inside the door for four days.  Let me be frank, I was intimidated.  So many buttons!  On a quiet Sunday afternoon, I sat down and carefully opened the box.  The pot is big. I pulled out the pot, the plug, the utensils (a spatula and a ladle) a cook book and a rather large manual. Oy!
Again, I set the pot aside and opened the manual. This really is an amazing pot.  It's a slow cooker, pressure cooker (that part scares me), steamer (with included rack), sauté-er, rice cooker and yogurt maker!  I read enough of the manual to ease my fears.  I flipped through the cook book, which has some interesting recipes, not too much that interested me, but explained how to use the pot a bit more.  A practical view of the applied science!
Two days later (I never rush into new things) I tried the slow cooker.  The Instant Pot can be programmed for delayed start – awesome!  I made Cheesy Chicken and Rice, which my family loves! This is a recipe in parts, first cook chicken and onions and cream of chicken soup, at dinner time you stir in cooked rice, cheese and corn. On my second try I was able to get the pot started.  Then I was off to work.  When I got home my pot had switched to the warm function and contained perfectly cooked chicken.  Since the chicken was finished well before dinner, but I was able to use the sauté feature to get everything warmed up.  So far, so good!

Maybe next week I’ll work up the nerve to use the pressure cooker for a roast.  Wish me luck!


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